SDK-Liste für mobile Anwendungen

Zuletzt aktualisiert 17. Januar 2025

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SDK List

SDK stands for “Software Development Kit”. These are collections of software development tools that We use to provide products and services to You.  Some SDKs are required for App software development. For example, the iOS SDK is required for any iOS Application. One SDK that our Android and iOS Applications both use is the Firebase Analytics SDK. This allows for Us to track App performance metrics and usage. This data is anonymized and provides guidance on what to improve in future App Versions. Privacy policies and contact information for third parties that place SDKs via the Discogs App can be found in Our Processors List

We do not conduct targeted advertising on Our mobile application. We place the following types of SDKs on Our mobile applications:

  • Strictly Necessary: These SDKs are necessary for the mobile application to function and cannot be switched off. They are usually only set in response to actions made by You which amount to a request for services, such as setting Your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms.  You may be able to set Your device to block or alert You about these SDKs, but some parts of the mobile application may stop working for You.
  • Performance: These SDKs allow Us to count visits and traffic sources so We can measure and improve the performance of Our mobile applications. They help Us to know which parts of the application are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. 
  • Functional: These SDKs enable the mobile applications to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation. They may be set by Us or by third party providers whose services we have added to Our application. 
  • Targeting: These SDKs are used for collecting data for email, onsite and in-app messages, and coordinating data across marketing channels.

A list of Our current SDKs is included below:

iOS Mobile Applications

Strictly Necessary SDKs

SDK Name Vendor Description
Accounts Webview Cookies Discogs


This SDK represents the strictly necessary cookies that are present when you are accessing the webview for login and registration.




A Swift Date extension helper


AFnetworking Matt thompson


AFNetworking is a delightful networking library for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It's built on top of the Foundation URL Loading System, extending the powerful high-level networking abstractions built into Cocoa. It has a modular architecture with well-designed, feature-rich APIs that are a joy to use.


Alamofire Alamofire software foundation


Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift


Algorithms Apple


Commonly used sequence and collection algorithms for Swift




AppAuth for iOS and macOS, and tvOS is a client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.


AppleMusicKit Apple Inc.


MusicKit lets users play Apple Music and their local music library from your app or website. This app enables music previews.




A library that lets you extract models from JSON or similar structures


AuthenticationServices Apple


Use the Authentication Services framework to improve the experience of users when they enter credentials to establish their identity.


AVFoundation Apple


The AVFoundation framework combines four major technology areas that together encompass a wide range of tasks for capturing, processing, synthesizing, controlling, importing and exporting audiovisual media on Apple platforms.


CFNetwork Apple


Access network services and handle changes in network configurations.




Swift implementations for creating charts within a mobile application.




ClusterKit is an elegant and efficient clustering controller for maps. Its flexible architecture make it very customizable, you can use your own algorithm and even your own map provider.




Swift Components library.


Core Data Apple


Use Core Data to save your application’s permanent data for offline use, to cache temporary data, and to add undo Functionality to your app on a single device.


Core Foundation Apple


Core Foundation is a framework that provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and to applications themselves.


Core Graphics Apple


The Core Graphics framework is based on the Quartz advanced drawing engine. It provides low-level, lightweight 2D rendering with unmatched output fidelity.


Core Image Apple


Core Image is an image processing and analysis technology that provides high-performance processing for still and video images.


Core Location Apple


Core Location provides services that determine a device’s geographic location, altitude, and orientation, or its position relative to a nearby iBeacon device.


Core Media Apple


The Core Media framework defines the media pipeline used by AVFoundation and other high-level media frameworks found on Apple platforms.


Core Services Apple


This collection of documents provides the API reference for the Core Services framework, which encompasses many fundamental operating system services used by Carbon applications.


Core Telephony Apple


Use the Core Telephony framework to obtain information about a user’s home cellular service provider.


Core Text Apple


Core Text provides a low-level programming interface for laying out text and handling fonts.




Swift cross-platform crypto library using CommonCrypto/libcrypto




Elliptic-curve cryptography for Swift




RSA public/private key encryption, private key signing and public key verification in Swift using the Swift Package Manager.




Swift implementations for function currying.


FBLPromises MLFairy


The MLFairy SDK allows you to use the MLFairy service to securely distribute your CoreML models, and to collect prediction inputs and outputs.


Feature Discogs


Discogs Feature module abstractions in Swift


FirebaseCore Google


Firebase SDK library/dependency.


FirebaseCoreDiagnostics Google


Firebase SDK library/dependency.


FirebaseDynamicLinks Google


Firebase SDK library/dependency.


FirebaseInstallations Google


Firebase SDK library/dependency.


FirebaseMessaging Google


Firebase SDK library/dependency.


FirebaseRemoteConfig Google


Firebase SDK library/dependency.


FirebaseStorage Google


Firebase SDK library/dependency.




Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects


Foundation Apple


Access essential data types, collections, and operating-system services to define the base layer of Functionality for your app.


GoogleDataTransport Google


Allows the logging of data and telemetry from Google SDKs.


GoogleUtilities Google


This repository contains all Firebase iOS SDK source except FirebaseAnalytics, FirebasePerformance, and FirebaseML.


GTMSessionFetcher iOS Sdk Google


Google Toolbox for Mac - Session Fetcher


Image I/O Apple


The Image I/O programming interface framework allows applications to read and write most image file formats.


KituraContracts Kitura


A library containing type definitions shared by client and server Kitura code.


LoggerAPI Kitura


Logger protocol.


Logging Apple


Capture telemetry from your app for debugging and performance analysis using the unified logging system.


MapKit Apple


Use the MapKit framework to embed maps directly into your own windows and views.


Marshal Utah iOS and Mac Developers


Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any].




MBProgressHUD + Customizations


Media Player Apple


Use the Media Player framework—which is part of MusicKit—to control playback of the user’s media from your app.


MessageUI Apple


The Message UI framework provides specialized view controllers for presenting standard composition interfaces for email and SMS (Short Messaging Service) text messages.


Meta Discogs


Dynamic-Typed JSON Object in Swift


Metrics Discogs


Convenient protocols and functions to define measurement between objects.




An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swipeable buttons with a variety of transitions.


Nanopb Nanopb


Nanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C.




A collection of awesome loading animations.


OneTrust IOS SDK OneTrust


OneTrust SDK is used to show a Privacy Banner and Preference Center to collect and save users consent as per privacy regulations.




Effortless path operations in Swift


Protobuf Google


Protocol Buffers v.3 runtime library for Objective-C.


Quartz Core Apple


QuartzCore is a framework used by macOS and iOS to create animatable scene graphics.


Runes Thoughtbot


Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift


SafariServices Apple


Use the Safari Services framework to integrate Safari behaviors into your iOS or macOS app or to extend the behavior of Safari.


SD Web Image Sd


This library provides an async image downloader with cache support.


Security Apple


The OSLog framework allows you to read logs. With the unified logging system, you can build custom debugging and analysis tools to be used alongside Apple tools like Instruments and Console.




Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.


StoreKit Apple


Support in-app purchases and interactions with the App Store.




JSON Web Tokens in Swift


SystemConfiguration Apple


The Service Management framework provides facilities to load and unload launchd services and read and modify launchd dictionaries from within an application.


UIKit Apple


The UIKit framework provides the required infrastructure for your iOS or tvOS apps.


UserNotifications Apple


User-facing notifications communicate important information to users of your app, regardless of whether your app is running on the user's device.


WebKit Apple


WebKit provides a set of classes to display web content in windows, and implements browser features such as following links when clicked by the user, managing a back-forward list, and managing a history of pages recently visited.




Helper library for iOS developers looking to add YouTube video playback in their applications via the iframe player in a WKWebView.



Performance SDKs

SDK Name Vendor Description
FirebaseABTesting Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
FirebaseCrashlytics Google Firebase SDK library/dependency. Serves app errors including crash reports.
FirebasePerformance Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
Google Analytics Google Google Analytics is an app measurement solution that provides insight on app usage and user engagement.
Instabug Instabug Instabug captures bug submissions and analytics that help us improve app stability and requests for future features


Functional SDKs

SDK Name Vendor Description
YoutubePlayer_in_WKWebView HMHV Helper library for iOS developers looking to add YouTube video playback in their applications via the iframe player in a WKWebView


Android Mobile Applications

Strictly Necessary SDKs

SDK Name Vendor Description
Accounts Webview Cookies Discogs This SDK represents the strictly necessary cookies that are present when you are accessing the webview for login and registration.
Afollestad Materialdialogs Internal SDK Afollestad A fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
Commonmark Internal SDK Commonmark Java library for parsing and rendering Markdown text according to the CommonMark specification (and some extensions).
Dagger Google A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
Discogs App Notifications SDK Discogs Library enabling in app push notifications
Discogs App Services SDK Discogs Media playback services.
Firebase Abt Android Sdk Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
Firebase Auth Android Sdk Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
Firebase Config Android Sdk Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
Firebase IID Android Sdk Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
Firebase Messaging Android Sdk Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
Firebase Perf Android Sdk Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
Github Chrisbanes SDK Github Implementation of ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.
Github Mikephil SDK Github A powerful & easy to use chart library for Android
Github Paolorotolo SDK Github AppIntro is an Android Library that helps build a carousel intro for mobile apps. 
Glide Android Sdk Bumptech An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling.
Google Android SDK Google Android development tools.
Google Common SDK Google API Common for Java is a library for foundational types relating to Google APIs.
Google Firebase Internal SDK Google This repository contains a subset of the Firebase Android SDK source.
Google Firebase SDK Google This repository contains a subset of the Firebase Android SDK source.
Google Maps SDK Google The Maps SDK for Android, add maps to your Android app using Google Maps data, map displays, and map gesture responses.
Google Protobuf SDK Google Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.
Google Zxing SDK Google ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android.
Gson Android Sdk Google A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back.
Gson Annotations Android Sdk Google A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
Gson Reflect Android Sdk Google A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
Gson Stream Android Sdk Google A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
Journeyapps Barcodescanner SDK Journeyapps Barcode scanner library for Android, based on the ZXing decoder.
OkHttp An HTTP client for Android, Kotlin, and Java.
Okio DND Manages communication between websockets in OkHttp3
OneTrust Android SDK OneTrust OneTrust SDK is used to show a Privacy Banner and Preference Center to collect and save users consent as per privacy regulations
Onetrust Otpublishers SDK Onetrust OneTrust OTPublishersHeadlessSDK for iOS. Process privacy consent requests.
Onetrust Otpublisherssdk SDK Onetrust Enabled OneTrust integration.
Openid Appauth SDK DND Android client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
Photview Android Sdk Chris Banes Implementation of ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.
Realm Annotations SDK Realm The common interface extended by all annotation types.
Realm Exceptions SDK Realm Realm error management.
Realm Internal SDK Realm Support Realm database.
Realm Log SDK Realm Realm logging.
Realm Rx SDK Realm RxSwift extension for RealmSwift's types
Realm W2 SDK Realm  
Retrofit   Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.


Performance SDKs

SDK Name Vendor Description
FirebaseCrashlytics Google Firebase SDK library/dependency. Serves app errors including crash reports.
FirebasePerformance Google Firebase SDK library/dependency.
Google Analytics Google Google Analytics is an app measurement solution that provides insight on app usage and user engagement.


Functional SDKs

SDK Name Vendor Description
Jsoup Internal SDK Jsoup Util methods used by Jsoup.
Zxing Android Sdk ZXing ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android


Targeting SDKs

SDK Name Vendor Description React Native SDK Peaberry Software, Inc.

Identifies and tracks users behavior and sends users notifications.



We will update the list of Our Mobile Applications SKD List as they change. Please check back frequently for updates.


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