How Do I Change My Profile Picture?

The profile avatars on Discogs are either uploaded directly to Discogs or are from, a globally recognized avatar service. Any images or information you upload to is public. 

To add an avatar directly on Discogs:

  1. Navigate to your account settings.
  2. Under Profile settings, use the Upload Photo button to upload your own image to your profile.
  3. Use an avatar that is at least 150px wide and less than 1MB.
  4. Click "Save Settings" to save the changes. 

Note that the only way to remove a profile picture is to replace it with another one. There is no option to just delete the current profile picture.

To add, change or remove your avatar on Gravatar, you will need to do the following:

  1. Login to Gravatar and add, change or remove the image there.
  2. Change your Discogs email address to match your account. You can do so through your email settings


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