Types Of Order Cancellations

From time to time, you may need to cancel an order which you have received. In general, we encourage you to use the Send Refund feature rather than cancel, but if you do need to cancel, here are your options:

Per Buyer's Request  - The buyer wishes to cancel this transaction. The order is cancelled by the seller, per the buyer's request. This cancellation option is at the discretion of the seller, (unless otherwise required by local law and consumer rights). The option to leave feedback is left open for both buyer and seller.

Item Unavailable  - Some or all of the items in this order are unavailable. No negative feedback is left for the buyer and the option to leave the buyer feedback is removed. The buyer can still leave positive, neutral or negative feedback for the seller. The items on orders cancelled as Item Unavailable, will automatically be removed from the seller's listings and cannot be automatically re-listed.

  • Orders should be cancelled per Item Unavailable when one or more items in an order are missing, sold or not available to a buyer for any reason. 

Non-Paying Buyer - The buyer has not paid for this order after 4 days of having the ability to pay. Automated negative feedback is left for the buyer with this cancellation status. The feedback will state: "No payment received from buyer after # days". Buyers who receive this automated negative feedback cannot leave feedback in return.

  • You may cancel an order as Non-Paying Buyer only if you have invoiced the buyer, not modified the order in any way and given the buyer 4 full days to make payment.

Note: Cancelling a paid order on the Discogs order page will automatically issue a refund your buyer in full. You can also issue a full and partial refund on the order page using the Send Refund feature.


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