Communication is the key to every successful order at Discogs, whether it’s timely order status updates or messages on the order page to update the shipping status. That’s why it can be frustrating if your seller hasn’t updated you within a few days of your last message. Following these guidelines should help get your order back on track!
Have you messaged your seller on the order page?
The first step when there is a lack of communication (4 days of inactivity) is to establish it yourself. Don’t wait for your seller to reach out to you; go to your order page and write a message to the seller. At this point, there is no need for hard language or accusations - a courteous request for an update will suffice.
You can find your order page by clicking on the Marketplace drop-down menu at the top of any page on Discogs and selecting Purchases. The Purchases page will show your order history.
Has it been more than 4 days since your last message?
Discogs policy states that sellers have 4 days to respond to a buyer’s message. If it’s been more than 4 days since the last message from the seller, you can start the Seller Not Responding procedure.
To do so, click on the order that you would like an update on. The Seller not responding? link will display on the order page below the Messages box.
Clicking on this link will start an automatic process which alerts the seller that you are waiting for an update. If they fail to respond within four days of this report, their ability to sell on the Discogs Marketplace will be blocked until they resolve your issue.
Please note that this feature is only possible after four days of inactivity from the seller and on orders no older than 90 days.This feature is not available for orders that have been cancelled.
Has it been 4 days since you filed your Seller Not Responding report?
If the seller has still not responded after 4 days of your SNR report, then their account will be suspended. The suspension will only be lifted once they have established contact with you again on the order page and they have written to our Community Success team to prove the issue is resolved.
If you had not yet sent payment, there is nothing left for you to do. While it’s frustrating to have a purchase get away, we cannot force a sale if the seller is refusing to communicate.
If you had already sent payment, you should now get in touch with your payment provider to see what type of protection they can offer you. Payment providers such as credit card companies and PayPal have policies in place to help protect you in these instances, and potentially get you your money back as well. Provide them with as much detail as you can regarding the issue, so they can help resolve the case as soon as they can.