Cómo encontrar información en un vinilo

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The Submission Form is designed to capture all sorts of information, a lot of which is required to identify a release as unique, but some of which can be hard to find if you're new to contributing.

This guide will show you where to find all the information you need to make complete and correct Vinyl record submissions.

Obviously the records you're contributing will have some differences to the examples provided below. If you ever get stuck just do the best you can, add some images to your submission, and ask for help from an experienced contributor.

Before starting, please note that some fields are required for all submissions and some are optional (unless they're the key difference between yours and another similar version already in the database). If you're new to Submitting stick to the required fields only. You can see which ones they are in this Quick Start Guide For New Contributors.

The following numbers will be indicated on the images below to show you where to find them:

  1. Title
  2. Artist
  3. Label
  4. Catalog Number
  5. Companies / Recording Locations (Optional)
  6. Credits (Optional)
  7. Rights Societies (Optional)
  8. Track Durations (Optional)
  9. Track Titles
  10. Label Matrix Number (Optional)
  11. Label Code (Optional)
  12. Runout Matrix Number (Optional) 

Example 1: LP Jacket, Front Cover

Starting with the front cover and working clockwise, we have the title, artist, label, catalog number (note the one on the spine next to #5, both should be entered), and a company credit, which is optional. This alone should fill out the first four fields on the Submission Form.

Example of an LP Jacket's Front Cover

Example 2: LP Jacket, Back Cover

On the back cover, we can see some of the same information as on the front cover. If there are discrepancies between information on different parts of the release, please note those in the Release Notes. With the exception of the track listing and the alternate catalog number, all information on this back cover example is optional.

Example of an LP Jacket's Back Cover

Example 3: LP Label, US Release

Example of a US Release LP Label

Example 4: LP Label, EU Release

Information on labels may differ depending upon where the record was marketed, but many have similarities. For example, US releases largely do not have Label Codes, Price Codes, or Deposito Legal codes, where many European releases do. Again, all of that information is optional, but recommended. Note in this case, the artist name in example 3 is slightly different from the artist name on its front cover (example 1). When there are differences in the title, the one on the front cover should be used in most cases. The conflicting information should be noted in the Release Notes as well.

Example of an EU Release LP Label

Example 5: Runout Area

Chances are, at some point you will need to inspect the runout area of a record to determine which pressing it is and to see if there are similar versions in the database. Discogs allows unique submissions to be made for different manufacturers, some of which can only be determined from this area. This Community built list serves as a fantastic resource for determining what those codes may mean and how to enter them. This is largely optional, but can be rewarding. These should be entered as a complete string with single spaces between larger gaps.


Example of an LP's Runout Area

Some releases may have custom inner liners, stickers or other places where information can be extracted from. If there are any questions, please create a forum thread so that experienced contributors can help out!


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