Información para artistas y sellos

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We receive quite a few questions from artists and labels who are interested in the information about themselves listed on Discogs. We have put together the following FAQ which answers the most common questions:

Who created an account for me on your site?

The artist/label discographies are not accounts, they are lists of releases that have been entered to the site. User accounts are separate from artist and label profiles. Please see the following pages for more info: 

Who added my discography to your site?

Discogs is a user-built website that relies on its user base to add and update the information that we display. Anyone can add and edit the information. 

Can I get exclusive control of my artist or label page?

Sorry, no. Nobody 'owns' the information, and no one user has control over the information.

Can I request staff edits or changes to my information on Discogs?

All edits to the database must be done by the community - our staff do not make edits or adjustments. If you have spotted errors, we encourage you to open a free account and join the community to make edits. We recommend reviewing the editing guidelines and also discussing edits with the community in our forums.

Can I remove information?

Information is taken directly from publicly available releases in the possession of one or more members of the site, and cataloged for their benefit, as well as for other members benefit and the benefit of the public in general, under the fair use laws. We do not remove factual information. All contractual or legal issues should be taken up directly with the labels or others responsible for the release. 

My copyright is being infringed, how do I fix this?

The information contained in Discogs is generally publicly available information and therefore can be freely cataloged and distributed without any copyright claims being valid. If you still feel your copyright is being violated, please see our Terms Of Service page for further details. 

I want royalties for my music you have for sale on your site.

The resale of these releases by individuals is protected under the first sale doctrine. As the copyright owner, you only have the right to prevent others from copying and distributing (for free or for profit) copies of a work covered by a valid copyright. With sales on Discogs, there has been no copying and, therefore, no infringement.


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