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In order to add videos to a specific release, please remember that you will need to be on a Release page. It is not possible to add videos directly to a Master release page. Please make sure to go to one of the Release pages of the Master to add a video.
Once a video has been added to a Release page, it will automatically be added to the pages of every other release within that same Master release and also be shown on the Master release page.
How To Add And Edit YouTube Videos On Artist and Release Pages
If there are no videos on the Artist or Release pages you will see a link in the YouTube widget, 'Add a Video'.
If there are already some videos you can add more or edit the existing ones by clicking 'Edit'.
Both the 'Add Videos' and 'Edit' links take you to the 'Video Selector' page for that artist or release, where you can search directly on YouTube. The field is automatically filled with the artist and album name, but you can search for anything.
Click 'Search' to see the first 20 results from YouTube. Click 'More' for the next 20.
To check if the video is the correct one you can click the '▻' symbol on any video in the search results to start playback.
Click the '+ Add' button to add it to the Release page.
All videos added to the release are listed in the 'Current Videos' pane on the left side of the screen. Once you have found all the videos you want to add you can order them by clicking and dragging videos in the 'Current Videos' pane.
How To Remove YouTube Videos From Artist and Release Pages
To remove a video, click the 'Remove' button on the video in the 'Current Videos' pane. All removed videos are listed in the 'Removed Videos' pane, from where they can be added back to the Artist or Release if desired.
Once you are happy with the selection and the ordering, click 'Save Changes' and you will be taken back to the Artist of Release page.