Comment chercher dans la base de données depuis l'App iOS

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How To Search In The Database When Using The Discogs iOS App

Looking for a specific item in the Discogs Database? We’ve created this document to explain two different ways of searching in the database while using the Discogs iOS App.

  • The Explore page on the app:
    • When first starting the app, you will directly land on the Explore page. On this page you are able to read relevant articles, see What's Hot, Most Collected and Most Wanted at the moment and you can explore all the Genres on Discogs.


  • Magnifier Icon at the bottom of every app page:
    • The magnifier icon is present on all App pages - this means that you will never miss it!
    • This feature will lead you to the Explore page and open a search bar on top of the page.
    • In this search bar, you will also find the barcode scanner: It’s the little camera icon that you can tap to activate the camera of your phone. 


Your screen will then show a square where you can focus on the barcode you want to search for. The App will detect the barcode and give you the corresponding results.

Note: Not all releases in the Database have had barcodes added, so you will not always necessarily find the results you’re looking for.

Both ways of searching - via the Explore page or directly tapping on the Magnifier Icon - will lead to multiple results. This results page is divided into three categories, Releases, Artists and Labels (including a list of release versions showing under these sections).

From the results, you can directly access any information that you want by tapping on it. You can also swipe left to view other results or tap on See All to view more.


Once tapped on See All, you will be given a list where you can filter your results for an optimal search:

  • Tap on the filter menu at the top right of the page (under the cart icon) and use the following options: Sort by Relevance, Most Collected, Most Wanted and Trending; or filter by Genre, Format, Country or Decades.
  • If you are viewing a list of releases from an Artist or a Label, you can use the search bar to search for a specific release of that list.
  • In here you can also change the layout of the list to view mostly covers.


Once you found what you were looking for, simply tap on the result you would like to view and you will be redirected to that specific page. 

To go back, use the back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you’ll get back to the results page. 

Collection and Wantlist icons

You might have noticed some symbols on the cover of items: This is to show you which items are already in our Collection (Collection icon) or which items have already been added to your Wantlist (the "eye" for the items you are looking for):

Ready to find all the hidden gems? Let us know if we can help in any way! 💎


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