Linee guida del Database 13. Immagini

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Uploading Images

See13.2.1 Images: Size and Quality regarding acceptable size and quality. 

Intellectual Property Rules 

By uploading images to Discogs you agree that the image meets one of the following requirements:

  1. Image is Public Domain (expired copyright or public from inception); or
  2. You own the rights to the image and agree to make it available via a CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license; or
  3. Image is already made available through a CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license; or
  4. Fair Use – any image representing a physical or digital product in the Discogs Database for the purpose of critical commentary or for the purpose of reselling a physical product under the First Sale Doctrine.

You may be held personally liable for image uploads that violate rights' holder intellectual property protections. if you are not sure if the image may be uploaded, then do not complete the upload.

13.1.1. You can upload images larger than 150 pixels wide, with a maximum size of 4MB. Accepted image formats are .jpg, .gif and .png.

13.1.2. To upload images during the initial submission:

  • Drag images from your file system onto the "drop zone".

  • You can also press 'Add More Images' to browse to where the images are on your computer, then upload them. You can continue doing this until all the images you need are uploaded. All the images will then appear on your Submission Form, where you can reorder and delete images as needed.

13.1.3. For existing Release pages, and for artist and Label pages, you can upload and update images using the "Update Images" page. You can get there two ways, on any Release, Artist or Label page:

  1. Click on the image, then click 'Edit Images';

  2. Click the 'Edit Release' link on the top right of the page, then click 'Edit Images';

    Either of these methods will bring up the "Update Images" page. Here you can add new images and organize the existing images:

    Drag and drop images (Press, and hold down, the button on the mouse to "grab" the object, "drag" the object to the desired location, "drop" the object by releasing the button.) to set the correct order. If you want to remove an image click "Disable" and it will no longer be shown. After you are happy with your changes, please make a brief explanation of your update in the 'Submission Notes' field, then press 'Save Changes'.

13.1.4. Images should be good quality, face-on, readable, correctly oriented and must be free of any copyright, watermark, URL or other marks. Images should be static, no animated GIFs please. They must be of the exact release they are attached to, please make sure of this by checking the catalog numbers, matrix numbers and other identifiers. Do not add images of releases with different catalog numbers, labels, etc. You must have the exact release in your possession when you submit an image. Images of physical items must be taken by you and cannot be sourced from other websites or third party sources.

13.1.5. Covers should be added only if they are artwork (no scans of plain sleeves please!). For releases enclosed in or including generic artwork, this artwork can be added, but the primary image must be the center label information, or other such image that shows the most non-generic, release specific information. If available, CD / DVD, etc. booklets and other goodies are acceptable as well. Picture discs, colored vinyl and other interesting media should be photographed as clearly as possible, preferably without flash.

13.1.6. There is no need to have several versions of the same view, nor ultra-detailed images.

13.1.7. Copyrighted or illegal images will be removed, and the user may be held accountable for their inclusion.

13.1.8. Do not download an image from Discogs and then re-upload it (with or without editing), as this causes quality loss. Exceptions to this guideline can be made when pages are merged.

Size And Quality

13.2.1. Images should be larger than 150 pixels wide, with a maximum size of 4MB. Any image less than 150 pixels wide, or with file size larger than 4MB, will automatically be rejected by the server. Preference goes to larger images with more detail over smaller thumbnails. Images shorter than 150 pixels are acceptable as long as they are relevant to the release / artist / label and follow the other image rules.

Full Size: 600x600

Large: 400x400

Small: 150x150

Too small (you won't be able to submit an image this size): 64x64

13.2.2. Try to keep your images as clear as possible. Possible problems include over compressed images, heavy JPEG artifacting, poor resizing or visible pixelation. Please ensure you take every step available to make your image look as good as possible!

Perfect: No visible artifacting or pixelation (Please note this is a reduced-size image of the large 'perfect' example as used on the first picture on this page. From here on, the examples are 300 pixels for ease of display).

Good: Some visible grain on the image but otherwise OK (compare the words).

Poor: Heavily artifacted.

Poor: Badly resized, heavily pixelated.


13.3. Optimally, all covers should be photographed or scanned at a 90-degree right angle perpendicular to the camera. Some mild variation is ok, but excessive angular distortion will cause the image to look bad.

Perfect: Facing the camera dead-on.

Good: A slight angle, mostly cropped.

Poor: Heavily angled and distorted.

Sharpness And Readability

13.4. Edges of text and lineart should be crisp and well-defined. While not everyone is a professional photographer or image editor, some care should be taken to ensure that as much text is as readable as possible.

Perfect: All text and lines crisp and clearly defined.

Good: A slight amount of blur, but all text still readable.

Poor: Heavily blurred, letters are entirely unrecognizable.

Dimensions And Aspect Ratio

13.5. Wherever possible, dimensions of an image should conform to the actual aspect ratio of the original source. Most covers should be completely square, and cropped to remove any trace of the background within reason. If taking a picture with a digicam, please be sure to crop tightly - do not use the default photograph dimensions. Do not use a scanner to take only a portion of the original cover (if you want to use a scanner for a LP sleeve, take several scans and join them together in a photo editing program).

Perfect: Cropped tightly to the original 12"x12" dimensions.

Good: A minimal amount of the background is showing.

Poor: The original digicam dimensions are maintained and much of the background is showing.

Poor: The image is cropped to remove the right hand side of the sleeve.

Poor: The image is cropped to remove the lower portion of the sleeve.

Flash Photography

13.6. In certain low light level situations, using a flash will be almost unavoidable. Please try to keep visible flash reflections to a minimum. Better images can be obtained by using a tripod and slower shutter speeds rather than flash.

Perfect: No visible flash.

Good: A slight visible flash, kept to a minimum, does not affect the overall image.

Poor: Flash washes out the entire image.


13.7. The color of any image should accurately reflect the actual color range of the given artwork. When taking photographs, it is recommended to perform at least rudimentary color correction if at all possible.

Perfect: Colors match the original release, color correction has been performed.

Good: Color correction has not been performed, but is mostly true to the original artwork.

Poor: Image is obviously too dark and hardly visible.

Poor: Image color is incorrect.


13.8. The primary image (that is, the one that is displayed as a thumbnail on the Release page) should always be set to the image that will allow identification of the release, this will usually be the front cover of the release, or for releases with no cover artwork, the center label with the most information. The following is the suggested order for different types of releases. There should be a good and clear reason to deviate from this.

  • For releases without covers (for example, 12" singles):

    1. The center label with the most information; and then
    2. The other side.
  • For releases with covers (for example, CD or LP albums):

    1. Front cover;
    2. Back cover;
    3. Media label, or A side (for double sided releases); and then
    4. B side (for double sided releases).
  • For releases with covers plus additional booklets, etc.:

    1. Front cover;
    2. Back cover;
    3. Media, or A side (for double sided releases);
    4. B side (for double sided releases);
    5. Booklet 1st page;
    6. Booklet 2nd page, etc.
  • For gatefold type sleeves:

    1. Front cover;
    2. Inside gatefold;
    3. Back cover;
    4. Media label, or A side (for double sided releases); and then
    5. B side (for double sided releases).


    1. Front cover;
    2. Gatefold inside left;
    3. Gatefold inside right;
    4. Back cover;
    5. Media label, or A side (for double sided releases); and then
    6. B side (for double sided releases).

Artist Images

Suitable Images

13.9.1. The artist images should preferably be of the artist performing or publicly available publicity shots. Preference for the primary image goes to the most iconic and widely recognized picture of the artist at the height of their career, if possible.

13.9.2. The images should be unmanipulated, for example, 'fan art' should not be uploaded.

13.9.3. 'Tabloid' type images of the artist outside of them being a music artist (for example, James Brown's police mugshot, Britney Spears shaving her head) are not permitted.


13.9.4. Artist logos by themselves are fine to add as an image. Artist pictures with included logos are acceptable as long as the following points are observed:

  • The logo doesn't obscure the band image to any great degree.
  • The logo was officially put there, e.g. no home made image mashups!
  • Images without logos are preferred.

Label Images

13.10. Label images should usually be restricted to logos used by that label.


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