


Different versions of a release may be added to the database if they meet our guidelines for unique submissions. This may be as obvious as having completely different artwork or as subtle as looking the same and having been manufactured at a different pressing plant.

Please be aware that some variance is not considered unique, such as minor variances in matrix numbers in the runout areas of discs. These should only be added when these variances show a different manufacturer, a different technician, or other similar notable differences. If you have any questions, please ask in the help forums.

Linking to a master release

When adding a new variant of a release to the Database, it will show as being a separate unattached release on the artist page.

the image shows the different releases listed in a master release page

This will need to be combined into the appropriate master release. A master release is very much like a folder that groups together different variants of the same release.

There are two ways of linking a unique release to a master release.

The first method is to click the drop-down triangle on the right side of the master release. Select `Edit Master Release`.

the image shows the drop-down triangle on the right side of the master release and the Edit Master Release option

The master release will then display all of the linked versions. Scroll down, select the unique releases that need to be linked, and then click the green Save button at the bottom right of the page.

the image shows the square check mark to select

Another way to add a unique release is from the master release page itself. Select `Edit Master Release` from the release page.

the image shows the Edit master release option on the release page

On the following page, select `Edit Master Release` again on the top left of the page. On that page, you can manually add the release IDs of the unique versions that need to be added.

the image shows the edit master release page where you can add the release ID manually

What if there is no master release?

If there are multiple versions of a release listed with no master release to merge it into, you can create a master release. To do so, go to the Artist page and select `Create Master Release` on the left side of the page. Then, on the right side of the page, select all of the checkboxes for the releases which should be grouped together. At the bottom of the page, you can select which release you wish to have display as the master release.


Merging releases

The merge function is needed when a release page does not meet our guidelines for unique releases. When completed, this will revert the newer duplicate release to a draft and remove it from the active database. Please see this guideline for additional information.

When master releases are involved, both releases will need to be in the same MR (or both not in MR’s) before they can be merged.


