Overview Of How Discogs Is Built

Our mission:

Since Discogs was started in the year 2000, our mission has always been to build the biggest and most comprehensive interactive public music Database in the world - a site with discographies of all labels and all artists, all cross-referenced with clickable links. It’s like Wikipedia for music. Why? Because music is what makes us human, and keeping a well-organised, public archive of all the recorded music in the world helps preserve a full picture of who we are, with all the natural diversity in tact.

Who can contribute to Discogs?

Anyone with a Discogs account can contribute information to the Discogs Database, as long as they have a physical copy of the music in question in front of them while they're making new submissions, kind of like Wikipedia.

Every piece of information you can see on the Discogs website was entered by a user.

If you would like to contribute, start by reading this Quick Start Guide for New Contributors.

What can people contribute?

There are 3 basic kinds of page on Discogs:

  1. Release pages (these are the basic building blocks of Discogs, every other page revolves around them);

  2. Artist pages; or

  3. Label pages.

The two main ways people can contribute are:

  1. Submitting new Release pages via the Add Release Form. New Artist and Label pages are automatically created when you add a Release page that identifies previously undocumented artists or labels (they cannot be added directly).

  2. Editing any existing page via the ‘Edit’ link in the top right hand corner.

The other ways people can contribute are:

  • Adding Images to Release pages, Artist pages or Label pages;

  • Merging duplicate Release, Artist and Label pages; or

  • Combining similar Release pages under Master pages.

All new contributions are visible to anyone on Discogs the instant they’re made.

How does Discogs maintain the quality of information?

With strict guidelines and a Voting System.

Anyone with a Discogs account can submit new releases or edit any existing page, but to keep the Database neat and usable, there are guidelines about how to record information about releases, artists and labels, e.g. about which information belongs in which field (there are hundreds of fields), and about how to format each field entry.

To ensure adherence to the guidelines, new submissions and edits are voted on by other Discogs users. Not everyone can vote - the ability to vote is automatically assigned based on your interaction with the site. Generally, you need to log in reasonably regularly, view releases, read the guidelines, comment correctly on others submissions, and make good submissions and updates. Basically, you need to be a helpful and positive contributor to the site.

Contributions with no votes are flagged so that voters can vote on them.

  • If they are voted "Correct" or "Correct and Complete", they will be fully active in the Database.

  • If they are voted "Needs Minor Changes" or "Needs Major Changes", any new artists or labels from the contribution won't be able to have their profiles updated until the contributor makes the necessary corrections, resubmits, and receives a vote of "Correct" or "Correct and Complete".

  • If voters deem a contribution to be ‘Entirely Incorrect’ it will be rejected from the Database. Rejected submissions will be reverted to Draft status until the contributor makes the necessary corrections, resubmits, and receives a vote of "Correct" or "Correct and Complete".


Still have questions?

Submit a request.