How Does The Discogs' Notification System Work?

Notifications are a more reliable and efficient way to keep up-to-date on your records collections, orders, contributions, and more. This will allow you to be alerted to important information immediately anywhere on Discogs rather than having to go to your inbox. 

Notifications are found within the bell icon on the right side of the search bar.

the image shows the search bar and the mail icon on the right side

The bell will display the number of new or unread notifications. When clicking on the bell, Discogs Notification Feed will be displayed.

Depending on the type of notification, it may contain a button or link. Clicking on this will take you to a new page.

the image shows the search bar and the mail icon on the right side

You can filter which notifications as shown by selecting the drop down. You can filter by All, Read and Unread

It's also possible to clear all notifications by clicking on "Mark all as read" 

the image shows the search bar and the mail icon on the right side

Notifications can be deleted or removed by clicking on the x icon on the top right corner of each cell.
Do not delete or remove notifications if you want to review them later.

You can find a list of old notifications in your feed. This will make it easy to reference notifications after you have read them. 

Notification Settings

It is possible to change which events you would like to be notified about and how Discogs should notify you. This can be done on the Notification Settings page

the image shows the search bar and the mail icon on the right side

Use the tickboxes shown to choose which notification method you want for each event. You can be notified by email and Discogs notification for most events. Once you are happy with your choices please the "Save Settings" button at the bottom. 

There is also buttons to restore the account to default settings and one to unsubscribe from all email notifications. 




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