How Does The Collection Feature Work?

Using Discogs to list the releases you have in your Collection is one of the main features of Discogs. This help document covers how to add to your Collection using the Discogs website. If you are using one of our mobile apps, please be sure to review our separate documentation.

Add a release 

To add a release to your Collection, you’ll first need to find a release you own in the Discogs Database by using the search box. You can also browse an artist or label page to find the release you are looking for. 

Open the release page (make sure it is the release, and not the Master Release, which has "/master/" in the URL and a list of two or more versions of the release on the page). To verify your item is the exact same as the item on the release page, you can check the catalog number, images and other identifiers. 

On the right-hand side of the page, click the ‘Add To Collection’ button

You’ll see a green box appear telling you that you have added the release to your Collection.

You can edit the condition of the media and the sleeve, add notes specific to this release and add the release to a custom folder by using this green box:

You can always return to the release page at a later time to edit the information in the green box. Alternatively, you can update condition and add custom notes directly from your Collection page, as seen below.

Manage and edit 

To view your Collection, click the Collection tab on your dashboard or use the drop-down menu next to your profile picture at the top-right corner of the page. Then select Collection

You will have access to different options to manage and edit your collection:

  • the search box to search in your Collection that will allow you to search easily your items;
  • the setting options on the top right of the site to manage your collection folders and custom fields, or download a CSV spreadsheet of your Collection;
  • the headers (Artist, Title, Label, Catalog Number, Format, Year, Rating or Date Added) which allow you to sort your Collection by clicking on.

the image describes the edit options available.The search bar, the edit opptions on the right top corner and the headers

Note: Regardless of which option you choose, you will see the estimated value of your Collection, based on the last 30 sales on Discogs, using the Marketplace Sales History. Items for which no sales history is available are not included in the estimated value. Please keep in mind that the estimated value of your Collection is only an approximate calculation. The exact value depends on many variables.

Manage Customer Folders

The option Manage Collection Folders allows you to create specific folders into which categorized your items. Folders can also be renamed or deleted from here.

Please note: there is a limit to 1,000 folders in your collection. 


Manage Custom Fields

You can easily create, update or delete your Collection fields using the Manage Custom Fields option.

the image describe the export option of your collection into a csv. file

Export my collection

This option allows you to export your entire Collection as a .csv file. When you select Export My Collection, you will be redirected to the Export page:

the image describe the export option of your collection into a csv. file


Select Collection from the dropdown menu and select Request Data Export. A green banner will appear confirming that your export request was scheduled. You will be notified when the file is available.

Remove a release 

To remove a release from your Collection, just go to the release page and click "remove" in the green box. Alternatively, you can go to your Collection page and tick the box on the left-hand side of the release you want to remove, then go to the top of the page and click the "Remove from Collection" button.

Share your collection

You can share your collection with other users if it’s public. To manage your basic privacy settings, go to your Privacy Settings and select the desired options:

image describes the privacy settings in the Privacy section of the settings

If you are using the Discogs’s app, please review our separate documentation.

More questions about your collection? Please contact us!


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