The Collection and Wantlist Notes let you add personal notes and other information to releases in your Collection or Wantlist.
There are four pages that this function appears on:
- Your Collection and Wantlist pages
- The release page of any item that is in your collection or wantlist
- The Collection Notes settings page
If you go to a release page you have in your collection, you'll see a green "In Your Collection" box on the right-hand side:
In this box, there are three fields by default (you can customize these, see below): Media Condition, Sleeve Condition and Notes. When you hover over any of the 'edit' text alongside these field headings, you'll see a pencil icon appear. Click, and the field will open up so you can edit it.
The default Media and Sleeve Condition fields are configured as a dropdown menu, using the same grading as for the Marketplace. To cancel an entry, just click on the blank line at the top of the list.
The 'Notes' field opens up to a text entry box, where you can type your notes. Clicking 'save' will save your entry.
The Collection Notes are private by default, no one else can see them unless you set them 'Public' on the setting page (see below). Your public notes are viewable by other users browsing your collection. For more information, please visit Customizing Your Collection Notes.